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Covid-19 - FAQs

Are spare parts currently available?

Yes, spare parts are available at this time for installers and service engineers. Product can also be arranged for plumbers / installers / service engineers through your local merchant in the case of emergencies. For further assistance on ordering parts or product please contact our technical team on

If I have a query about a product who should I contact?

Our Technical team are working remotely and are available to answer any product queries. Please contact the technical team on between 9.00am – 5.30pm (Monday – Thursday) and 9.00am – 4.45pm (Friday)

 Is it safe for me to allow a plumber / installer / service engineer into my home to service an internal boiler or outside to an external boiler?

 Important works can be carried out as long as neither you or any family members have been diagnosed with the Covid-19 virus or have experienced its symptoms within the last 72 hours. The works can be carried out internally if the plumber / installer / service engineer adheres to the health and safety guidelines as laid out by the NHS which are included in our Safety Advice for Installers & Service Engineers and externally provided appropriate social distancing is maintained outdoors between the customer and the engineer.

I have organised for a plumber to install a new heating system, should I cancel this appointment?

If your heating system needs upgraded urgently then you should keep your appointment as it is important that your home is kept warm and comfortable throughout the ‘stay at home’ weeks ahead. Before the plumber / installer visits please refer to our Safety Advice for Installers & Service Engineers

 However, if you or any family members have had Covid-19 symptoms within the last 72 hours or if someone has been diagnosed with the Covid-19 virus then you should contact your plumber / installer to reschedule your appointment for a later date. Please refer to NHS for symptoms.

Do I need to make sure I provide all necessary safety / hygiene equipment to the plumber / installer / service engineer who is coming to carry out any work to my boiler?

 It is the responsibility of the plumber / installer / service engineer to come to your home prepared with the correct safety / hygiene equipment. Correct and suitable PPE (personal protective equipment) must be worn by the plumber / installer / service engineer and he / she should bring disinfectant wipes to wipe down surfaces before and after they are touched.

 If the installer / plumber / service engineer does not come to your home prepared then you should refuse them entry.

 Before the plumber / installer / service engineer visits please refer to our Safety Advice for Installers & Service Engineers

I / a member of my family has got Covid-19 symptoms, do I need to cancel my appointment with my plumber / installer/ service engineer?

If you or your family member has had Covid-19 symptoms within the last 72 hours then it would be best to inform the plumber / installer / service engineer and reschedule your appointment to avoid spread of the virus. Please refer to NHS for symptoms.

I / a member of my family has been diagnosed with Covid-19. Do I need to cancel my appointment with my plumber / installer?

If you or your family member has or had been diagnosed with Covid-19 then inform the plumber / installer / service engineer and reschedule your appointment to avoid spread of the virus.